Nutrition Facts raspberry

Wonderfully delicious, bright red raspberry is among the most popular berries to taste! Are rich sources of health promotion chemicals, plant derived minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimal health.

Botanically, raspberry is a small shrub belonging to the family Rosaceae, in genus Rubus. It grows well in temperate climates. The berry is native to Europe, but nowadays widely cultivated in many temperate regions around the world under supervised farms. leading producers of raspberries are Poland, the United States, Germany and Chile.

Scientific name: Rubus idaeus.

There are several subspecies of raspberries. However, the most popular commercial crop in practice is red-raspberry color This type of event is the hybridization of R. idaeus (European raspberry) and R. strigosus (American raspberry) types.

Technically, all berry is an aggregate of small fruit "drupe", which are arranged in circular shape around a hollow central cavity. Every little drupelet causes a small juicy pulp with a single seed yellow-white, small color. Raspberries have a flavor that varies by cultivar, and ranges from sweet to acid, a fairly similar to strawberries feature.

Raspberry conically shaped, weighing about 2.4 g contains 80-100 of drupelets arranged in concentric spirals. While the most common type of raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is pinkish-red in color, actually hybrids come in a variety of colors including black, purple, orange, yellow and white.

safety profile

Raspberry can cause severe allergic reactions in some sensitive people. Some of the most common symptoms include swelling and redness of the mouth, lips and tongue, eczema, hives, skin rash, headache, runny nose, itchy eyes, wheezing, gastrointestinal disorders, depression , hyperactivity and insomnia. People who suspect that allergy to these fruits may want to avoid them. (Exemption medical liability).

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